
Waze will warn you about speed bumps and sharp curves soon

Screenshots of the emergency alert and roundabout guide features coming to Waze.
Image: Waze / Screenshots: Wes Davis / The Verge

Waze announced several new features, including an alert for stopped first responders, for its already busy driving directions map. That feature is out now, but others, like new road hazard warnings and updated routing info, will be available on iOS and Android phones this month, with still others planned for later this year.

The first responder alert feature shows a blinking icon of an emergency vehicle on the map and tells you how far away it is. As if the bright strobing lights ahead of you aren’t enough of an indicator or you’re not looking at the road at all (okay, maybe sometimes you’re just stuck behind a big truck). This feature is out now for users in the , Canada, Mexico, and France, with other countries to follow.

A screenshot of the speed limit reduction alert, which shows a translucent blinking circle behind the speed limit icon.
Image: Waze
Waze says slow down!

Later this month, the app will get new icons warning about speed bumps, sharp curves, and tollbooths as well as a heads-up that the speed limit is about to drop. Also this month, the app is changing the way it shows live traffic and delay information when you’re embarking on one of your usual routes.

A screenshot of the roundabout feature. At the top, arrows show which lane you'll want to be in if you're trying to turn right, go straight, or turn left.
Image: Waze
Roundabouts don’t have to be hard.

Rounding out the month for Android users (and iOS later this year), a new traffic circle helper feature will tell you which lane to use to get to the part of the circle you want to exit at. Yes, many Americans need this. Please be gentle in the comments section, Verge readers. Now, if only the app could tell confused road users when to yield so roundabouts aren’t such a place of suspicion and doubt as you try to suss out whether another driver actually understands it’s your turn to go.

In a few weeks, Waze will also give you details about parking garages and let you reserve spots in the app, though only in certain cities like New York City or Montreal.