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Rebel Bots Dropped the Details for Claiming Your Fighting Bot Army!

Just a few months after their successful beta release, the Rebel Bots team is excited to announce that players will soon have the chance to claim their very own Fighting Bot Army. This new addition to the Battle Set is sure to be a game-changer for those competing in Xoil Wars!

Rebel Bots is indeed unstoppable in delivering thrills! On January 31st, 2023 at 10 AM UTC, Xoilium Land holders can create their team of three Fighting Bots per Land through the claiming process on the Rebel Bots website. This opportunity will last for two months and close on March 31st, 2023.

Game Overview

Rebel Bots – Xoil Wars is a cross-platform battle game in which players could play, , and earn in a single-player or multiplayer sci-fi-inspired game set in outer space. Playing and earning in Xoil Wars involves using Battle Sets, which are s used for competing and battling for rewards. A Battle Set must have one Land as the player’s home base on Planet Xoilium and a Fighting Bot Army s as the characters controlled in battles.

In this game, 3 vs 3 strategy card battles are contested by players. Each player controls his Fighting Bot Army, which enables them to implement intricate tactics and construct formidable decks, choosing from the extensive range of Fighting Bot categories, components, passive abilities, and abilities. Possessing a wider variety of Fighting Bots with differing abilities improves the player’s odds of winning in combat.



Those who don’t own a Land, they can choose one on Opensea and mint unclaimed Fighting Bots to complete their Battle Set and prepare for Xoil Wars.

How to Claim Your Fighting Bot Army?

To claim three Fighting Bots, players with Lands connect their wallet on the Polygon network to the Rebel Bots website claim page. They can then view their Land inventory and any unclaimed Fighting Bots. Using the “Claim All” feature, players and guilds with multiple Land s can quickly claim their Bots. The claim process requires a small amount of MATIC and the approval of a transaction.

The claimed Fighting Bots will appear in the player’s wallet inventory. Each Fighting Bot possesses unique battle statistics and features, including class, HP, components, and passive abilities, that influence their abilities and results in combat. The Fighting Bot’s statistics, appearance, rarity, and skills are randomly generated through the claiming process with the help of the game’s card-balancing formula.



When a Land claims Fighting Bots, its characteristics change and it won’t be able to claim more Fighting Bots.

Parts of a Fighting Bot

Parts of a fighting bot army
Image source: Rebel Bots

Fighting Bots consist of five componentshead, left arm, right arm, torso, and legs – which are represented by individual cards and make up the player’s battle deck. These components determine the Fighting Bot’s class, which can be Military, Industrial, or Engineer, each with its own powerful combat abilities and skills! Ensure you are thoroughly familiar with all the components to ensure a successful game in Xoil Wars. If you want to read about the fighting bot parts and cards, click here.

Get ready to claim your Fighting Bot Army and start battling in Xoil Wars!

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