
Progress bars can make better user experience

Progress are visual representations of how much a site visitor has made toward accomplishing a specific goal. In instance, it might show users filling out a form they are about halfway done.

Why Are Effective?

For the average attention span is estimated to be around eight seconds. Now, eight seconds feels like an overestimate. As marketers seek strategies to engage audience, gamification has become a popular strategy.

You already know how hard it can be to drive conversions. More often than not, when you ask a user to take an action. They do the exact opposite and abandon the form fill or their shopping cart. If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

The struggle of conversion plagues many marketers across every industry. While there are many steps and strategies you use to drive conversions. Still might not see the needle move in the right direction. If optimized for conversion and for other ways to drive action, consider adding a progress bar to your site.

Used by large and small companies alike, a progress bar lets users know where they are in the process. Completing a specific action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

Breaking down why progress bars are so effective and how you can harness their power to drive conversions on your site.

When we say gamification, we don’t literally mean incorporating games like tic-tac-toe into your marketing emails. When we say gamification, we mean incorporating aspects of gaming into your strategy.

Where to Use Progress Bars on Your Website

Progress bars can be used across your marketing endeavors to drive conversions. From emails, to surveys, to form fills, these versatile bars draw on our natural desire to complete tasks. Making them a powerful tool in our marketing wheelhouse.