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Fortnite is coming to Windows on Arm

Fortnite is coming to Windows on Arm

Fortnite is coming to Windows on Arm

Fortnite is coming to Windows devices with Qualcomm’s Arm-based Snapdragon chips later this year. Epic Games announced today that it’s teaming up with Qualcomm to add Windows on Snapdragon support for Easy Anti-Cheat, which will let the game be compatible with those devices.

“Over the last year, the introduction of Windows 11 Arm-based laptops has transformed the PC landscape, and laptops with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Series processors represent a rapidly growing segment of the PC gaming market,” Epic says in a blog post. “However, the majority of PC games today are compiled for x64, which doesn’t translate directly to the Windows on Snapdragon architecture. Due to the way anti-cheat software works with x64 features, additional tooling is required for compatibility with these devices.”

Epic says that “hundreds” of multiplayer games rely on Easy Anti-Cheat, including Fortnite, and that “battle-testing Windows on Snapdragon anti-cheat support with Fortnite will help ensure smooth implementations in other games.”